Our District
Public School Works
Conference Requests
Conference Requests must be approved by the Superintendent. If you plan to attend a conference that requires payment for registration, lodging or other travel arrangements, it becomes part of the purchasing process. Advanced notice is required at a minimum of two weeks prior to attendance for purchase order approvals. Please do not make your own travel arrangements or conference registration without consulting the business office and prior to purchase order approval. Instructions on how to submit conference reimbursement are provided on the Conference Request form.
Health & Dental Information & Forms (Link to CASEBP Website)
Using the link above our employees can find both Health and Dental Plan documents and all relevant forms pertaining to your Plan L Coverage in the Castskill Area School Employees Benefit Plan.
Payroll Information & Forms
Payroll is processed on a bi-weekly schedule. Refer to your payroll calendar for specific dates. All approved (signed) vouchers for payroll must be submitted to the Business on the Friday preceding the scheduled payroll date. Incomplete vouchers may delay payment. Payment for Extra Duties (CROP, bookkeeper, chaperone, summer work, etc.) requires completion and approval of a Request for Additional Work Time form before vouchers may be submitted.
Purchasing Process
Claim Form (submit for reimbursements or with receipts)
Purchasing Policies - 5410 Procedures, 5410-R Bidding Requirements
Employees MUST fill out a requisition form for anything that they would like to order. If the items they would like to purchase are not through the BOCES bid or on State Contract, 2 quotes are required. Please refer to the Board Policies for more detailed information on what requires bids and purchase quotes.
Requisition forms should be filled out with the vendor’s name and address, the part number, a description of the item, the quantity to be ordered, subtotal, and shipping costs (If you do not know the shipping cost, please call the company for this), a final total, telephone and fax numbers, and any other information that may be beneficial in fulfilling the order. INCOMPLETE REQUISITIONS MAY BE RETURNED!
All new vendors must be approved by the Board of Education prior to a purchase order being issued. If you are unsure, please check with the Business Office.
A. Requisition must be completed in full
B. Requisition signed by Superintendent
C. Requisitions are inputted into the accounting system to start the process
D. District Treasurer provides the first level approval (verifying funds for purchase)
E. Superintendent, as Purchasing Agent, grants final approval to issue Purchase Order
F. Purchase Order can now be printed
G. Purchase Order is sent to the vendor
I. When an item is received, it must be checked in by the upper office before you can receive it
J. We cannot issue a check for the order until the Claims Auditor approves payment.
At times problems occur-items out of stock, increase in prices, shipping not included on the requisitions, vendor will not take a purchase order. This delays the process.