Our District
Public School Works
Parents interested in providing instruction at home should read the New York State Regulations on Home Instruction (Home Schooling) at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/homeinstruction/.
The NYSED webpage Home Instruction Questions and Answers provides answers to frequently asked questions by parents.
Once familiar with the requirements for providing home instruction in New York State, interested parents must submit a Notice of Intent to instruct at home to the Gilboa-Conesville Central School District Office by July 1st of each school year or within 14 days following the commencement of home instruction during the school year.
Once the Notice is received, the Gilboa-Conesville Central School District will follow up with links to the NYS Part 100.10 Home Instruction and the individualized home instruction plan (IHIP) form. This form is available below and must be completed for each child of compulsory attendance age who is to be taught at home.
Gilboa-Conesville Central School District Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP)
Grades 1-6: IHIP 1-6 fillable.pdf
Grades 7-8: IHIP 7-8 fillable.pdf
Grades 9-12: IHIP 9-12 fillable.pdf
Parents of students who receive home instruction are required to submit quarterly reports as specified in NYS Part 100.10g and to assess each student annually as specified in NYS Part 100.10h The following form is provided for parents to assist in the development of quarterly reports:
Grades 1-12: IHIP Quarterly fillable form